Meeting other cross country travelers

Mark Baumer
Barefoot Across America
4 min readJan 19, 2017


On day 98 of crossing America barefoot I travelled from Westville FL to Ponce de Leon...

Watch the vlog from day 98

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I didn’t want to moved but I got up and sat on a bucket while I waited for the internet to accept all my content.

Every morning I give the internet all my content.

A police officer stopped and asked what I was doing so I told him I was sitting on a bucket.

Sometimes police officers seem very confused by the world as if they didn’t even realize they were a tool of racism and oppression.

The road was slightly damp.

It’s weird how often things in Florida get wet without raindrops.

Two people on bicycles approached. I asked if they were traveling cross country. They nodded and said, “We’ve met some of the worst people ever on this trip but the landscapes are beautiful.”

It would be interesting to go on a cross country trip and avoid all human contact the entire trip.

I saw a box floating in a river.

I also saw a river floating on a planet.

Some prisoners doing roadwork had paused for lunch and we’re sitting under a tree.

Part of me wanted to talk to them and give them so many tears they could float away and be free.

A rabbit slowly crossed the road and it wasn’t until it crawled into a pond that I realized it was a turtle.

I wonder how much internet content a turtle does every morning.

I stopped for food at Wayne’s and bought a jar of pumpkin as well as some other jars.

I think I’m the only one buying jars of food at gas stations because they always have dust on them.

The cashier tried really hard to give me a plastic bag.

Maybe I should get a tattoo on my forehead that says, “I don’t need a bag.”

I sat on a bench and ate my jars of food while watching people climb in and out of their automobiles.

One child tried to crawl out of an automobile but an adult male yelled, “Don’t you crawl out of that automobile.”

A person with only one bottom tooth tried to give me four jars of sausage.

I should get a tattoo on my forehead that says, “I don’t want four jars of sausage.”

When I began walking again someone almost threw a pair of flip flops at me. Another person stopped and gave me an apple.

I wasn’t sure if I would make it to the next town so I pretended I was a giant whale and licked a tree.

A friend called and said, “I want to not be so many secrets.” Another friend called and said, “Why would anyone waste their life writing a negative review on the internet.”

All my friends should get tattoos on their forehead so I won’t feel alone when I get my forehead tattoos.

I heard a noise in the woods and thought maybe it was a wolf. A car drove over a piece of wood left in the road. I found a dirt road and lay down in the middle of it.

Please donate. I am raising awareness about climate change with this walk. All the money raised goes to a great environmental organization called the FANG Collective.

What I ate on day 98: Tomatoes, black beans, oranges, apples, dates, pumpkin, salsa, canned potatoes, pineapple, and chia seeds.

A poem

I’m sleeping / on / an ant / hill / thinking / about a universe / of / humans / I couldn’t remember / to forget / this / is where / I put / my life / when / a small piece / of / fog / tries / to invest / in the distance / as if / we were / all trees / made up / of / blankets / of / disease / or / human despair/ I don’t know / who left / a tissue / stuffed in this / old can / of / sand / but / I want / to be / your friend / then / I want you / to cover / me / in / old tree bark / so / we can / forget about everything / and / float / on / old inflated tubes / in the middle / of / the road

If you're interested in my previous journey across America check out the book: I am a road.

