Using a phone to put my face in different locations

Mark Baumer
Barefoot Across America
5 min readJan 14, 2017


On day 93 of crossing America barefoot I travelled from Grand Ridge FL to Marianna FL...

Watch the vlog from day 93

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I woke up next to a tree and four cans of pineapple. I climbed out of my sleeping arrangement, did some pee on the ground next to the tree, then climbed back in my sleeping arrangement, and ate all the cans of pineapple.

The night before I had a dream the skin on my elbow was so smooth everyone thought I could float.

Some people were selling mirrors on the side of the road across from where I slept. I waved at myself as I passed the mirrors and began walking.

It would be sort of convenient to somehow convince one of my reflections in a mirror to finish the journey for me.

Yesterday I thought I came up with the idea of talking to every gasoline thing I passed, but as I approached the day’s first gas station I sort of forgot this and just went in and bought some cashews then refilled my water.

How many times would you have to tell gasoline that earth is dying before gasoline quit its job and began working for an environmental nonprofit?

Earlier that morning I had emailed the local papers about my journey. A reporter for one of the Jackson County Floridian called and asked me some questions. I rambled for a long time. At one point the reporter said, “What kind of bike do you have…oh wait…nevermind…I forgot you’re not using a bike.”

All the notes I write down in my brain never fit through the hole in my face when I open my mouth.

A few people stopped and yelled things like, “no shoes,” and, “aren’t you going to die?!”

I looked at my human body and thought, “I’m going to miss you some day.”

I tried walking all the miles very quickly so I wouldn’t have to ever walk ever again but I gave up after thirty seconds. On the plus side I found a pair of headphones on the ground.

If you ever want to find a few useful objects and thousands of worthless objects then I suggest trying to walk across america.

A man stopped and said, “You better watch out for that one really bad area in New Orleans.” Then he said, “Are bunch of people will give you drugs there.”

I always forget I look like drugs even though I have never done drugs.

A friend called. We talked using video. I could see his face. He could see my face. This was a test. Later that night my yoga studio planned to beam my face from Florida to Rhode Island so I could talk about my journey.

It’s neat when the phone can do things like make your face exist in more locations than it used to before you started rubbing your face on phones.

As I entered the town of Marianna a man with a camera began taking pictures of me. He was from the newspaper. He was going to put my picture in the news. While he was taking my picture a lady stopped and said, “Shoes.” I said, “I’m okay.” She then said, “My husband is dying of cancer. I saw you walking barefoot while I was driving him to the hospital.”

I wonder if birds ever look at me and think, “He doesn’t have any feathers or wings.”

I walked to a grocery store and bought three clumps of bananas. Then I sat down on a bench and ate the bananas while I listened to some people argue about television.

Somewhere two people are quietly looking at a pile of something they disagree with and are thinking, “How can this be such a pile of something I disagree with.”

It was getting dark. I needed to find a place to recharge my phone. I also needed to find somewhere to sit so my face could get beamed to Rhode Island. First I walked to a church. It was in an abandoned shopping plaza. I walked around the entire shopping plaza but couldn’t find any electeical outlets. I began walking up the road. A half mile later I found some electrical outlets on a library.

There are probably more advertisements in america than there are electrical outlets.

I plugged in my phone and then my face got beamed to a yoga studio in Rhode Island. A lot of people I haven’t seen in a long time were sitting in the yoga studio. I began talking about my journey, then I talked about plastic bottles, then I talked about saving the earth, then I talked about how everyone should get arrested, then I talked about my feet, then I talked about something else. I kept talking and as I was talking I looked at what I was saying and felt very confused because I couldn’t quite understand what I was saying. Eventually some people asked some questions. Then everyone waved goodbye.

My face was no longer in Rhode Island and Florida at the same time.

I walked around the back of the library and found an open public restroom. I cleaned my feet in the sink. Then I found a piece of concrete to lie down on and went to sleep.

Please donate. I am raising awareness about climate change with this walk. All the money raised goes to a great environmental organization called the FANG Collective.

What I ate on day 93: Bananas, cashews, canned pineapple, garbanzo beans, mangoes, salsa, canned corn, blackberries, cranberries, beets, and avocados.

A poem

A glowing / 400 million dollar brick / rests / in your palm / and / says look / at the trees / and / the little owl / while / a child asks / why / can’t we eat / leaves for dinner / I want / to make your heart / into / a large pile of wooden blocks / if you / have no heart / I will give you / my face / to wear / as / a heart / and / tell you about / the guy / with / no body odor / and / how / everyone / made fun / of / his odorless body / until / one day / on television/ there was a picture / of / a window / and / when you opened / the window / you could see / a van / with only three tires / struggling / itself / down the road / as / a ladder / hung out / the back / so / I tried / to climb / it / but / when I reached / the top / I found / a woman / holding a wire / and / she plugged / the wire / into / the eyeball / of / a snowman / named / jen / or / maybe / gary / or / maybe / the snowman / was named / after / the first light bulb

If you're interested in my previous journey across America check out the book: I am a road.

